
 2 Corinthians 11:23 ESV

Are they servants of Christ? I am a better one—I am talking like a madman—with far greater labours, far more imprisonments, with countless beatings, and often near death.

Paul was defending his ministry to the Corinthian church. Though it owed its inception in part to him (ultimately to God of course), they were being led astray by 'super apostles'. Nowadays they'd be the kind of people who boast of having private jets.

Paul decided to play the super apostles at their own game. Yet instead of boasting of health, wealth and happiness, he boasted of quite the opposite. He insisted he was far more hard working than them.

Christ pronounced woe upon the rich and blessed the persecuted. Paul knew he was very blessed, in how much he suffered for Christ, and how great his heavenly reward would be. We tend to shy away from suffering, yet to follow Christ is to go the way of the cross.

Jesus commands us to deny ourselves, not to seek comfortable lives for ourselves. We are to take up our crosses daily and follow Him. He is worthy of it all!

'Lord, convict us please of Your worthiness for us to suffer for Your sake. Please count us worthy to be persecuted for Your honor, in the name of Christ we pray, amen'


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