
 And he had to pass through Samaria.
John 4:4 ESV

I love how there isn't a superfluous word in Scripture. Even this seemingly incidental verse is laden with meaning. Normally, a devout Jew would make a beeline to avoid Samaria.

This verse could be read to mean that Jesus just wanted to take the shortcut through Samaria under duress. Knowing Him as we do however, I think a more credible explanation is that He knew He had a divine appointment to make.

Jesus was breaking societal norms not just by passing through Samaria, but then stopping to chat with an immoral Samaritan woman in the heat of the day. For a devout Jewish man to even chat to an unknown woman was taboo, never mind a despised mongrel Samaritan. Jesus's disciples were surprised to find Him chatting to this dubious lady.

As a result of Jesus's apparently chance conversation, an entire village came to faith in Him. Nothing happens by chance. God orchestrates everything that happens in life, even apparently chance encounters.

'Lord our God, thank You that there's purpose in everything, even seemingly incidental happenings. Please help us to trust Your purposes. In Christ's name, amen'


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