
 The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world.
John 1:9 ESV

God is light, and in Him, there is no darkness at all. We are in darkness, and need Him to shine His light into our hearts. Thankfully, God's Son Jesus came down to earth to lighten up our darkness.

We might think that now Jesus has returned to heaven, we're back in darkness. If He is the light of the world, then aren't we in darkness again due to His absence? Thankfully, like the sun's rays, Jesus's light shines in our hearts by His Holy Spirit.

Jesus is the Light of the world, yet amazingly, He shines through us His people. He described us as the light of the world too, reflecting His light in dark places. We're not to hide our lights under our beds.

If we're in the dark about God and forgiveness and eternity, we need to come into the light of Christ. He illuminates our spiritual cluelessness so that we can see the way we should go. All we need to do is ask Him to brighten up our lives!

'God of Light, please illuminate our hearts by Your love. Help us to no longer live in the dark. In Jesus' name, amen'


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