
 so that you are not lacking in any gift, as you wait for the revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ,
1 Corinthians 1:7 ESV

The Corinthian church was far from perfect. It was divided, had sexually immoral people in it, and wasn't particularly generous. Yet Paul insisted they had all they needed.

The idea we need a 'second blessing' to be 'proper Christians' isn't Biblical. The moment we believe in Jesus we're baptised in the Holy Spirit. There's no such thing as a 'second class' Christian.

Someone asked a famous Christian once if he was filled with the Holy Spirit. He replied that he was, but that he leaked. That's true of us all.

The moment we believe in Jesus we're filled with the Spirit and have all the gifting we need. We leak however so we need refilling and refreshing by Him. Thankfully He doesn't begrudge us such blessing.

'Lord our God, we're so grateful that we have all we need to live for You. Please help us to do so wholeheartedly, in Jesus' name, amen'


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