
 And Jesus answered them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick.

Luke 5:31 ESV

Religious people resented the fact that Jesus hung out with dodgy people. Maybe they were jealous. Certainly they despised overtly sinful people.

This verse is where Jesus starts to explain why He preferred to spend time with notorious sinners. He didn't come down to earth for religious people who don't think they need Him. He came for sinners who know they need Him.

Doctors are redundant for healthy people. If people think they don't need a doctor, they won't seek help. If people know they're spiritually sick however, they're more likely to seek out Jesus.

Jesus didn't come to beam righteous people up to glory. There's no one righteous really, just self righteous hypocrites alongside overt sinners. Jesus came for those who know they need Him.

'Dear Lord, we acknowledge our need of You. Please restore us to Your heart. For the glory of Your name, amen'


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