
 Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.

James 1:27 ESV

Manmade religion often tries to be either/or. Divine religion is both/and. There's no point making up our own rules: God's way is what matters ultimately.

We're naturally impure and defiled spiritually. Yet we can be washed and purified in the blood of Jesus. Having been cleansed, how are we then to live? This verse is the answer.

In a society without a welfare state, widows and orphans were the most needy in society, without anyone to look out for them. I don't think this verse is an exhaustive list however. Other needs people could include refugees and the homeless. James calls us to visit the afflicted. Simply by visiting needy people, we can show we care and offer comfort.

If all we did was to visit the marginalised, that would be the social gospel: not the full gospel of God. The verse goes on to say we need to keep ourselves unstained from the world. We can't just be charitable whilst being addicted to porn, or greedy for food, or resenting the rich. Neither are we to be 'holier than thou' without caring for the poor.

'God Almighty, help us be religious in the best possible sense of the word. May we live according to Your ways, not our own, for Your honour, amen'


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