
 So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

James 2:17 ESV


We're saved by faith alone. This is one of the foundational truths of the Protestant Reformation from Roman Catholic works-righteousness. Yet James here sounds like a Roman Catholic! Are we saved by faith plus works?

A mathematical equation might help. Thankfully salvation is not faith plus works, because if it was we'd all be hopeless. All our righteousness is like filthy rags.

Salvation plus works is faith. That's what James is saying. We're saved by faith alone, but the faith that saves is never alone, it is always accompanied by works, as the evidence of our salvation and faith.

When we first believe, we're like a dead body coming alive. The evidence that we are alive is that our body starts working. It's a bit like that spiritually too: we start bearing the fruit of the Spirit in our lives, when we trust in Jesus.

'Sovereign God, give us the gift of faith we pray, and help us to evidence our faith by our works. Thank You for the salvation Christ brings, in whose name we pray, amen'


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