
 How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.”

Isaiah 52:7 ESV

Is the good news the ABC of the Christian life, something we eventually graduate from? Not at all, according to this verse. Having received the good news, we're to share it with all and sundry.

Peace, joy and salvation aren't just for the Jewish people, or any other particular ethnic group or culture. Anyone who believes gets to receive these wonderful products of faith in God. We easily forget, but God is sovereign, He's in control, and He's the source of all goodness.

The peace referred to in this verse isn't the absence of conflict in this life, sadly. Yet in the midst of the mess, we can have peace with God. It's a peace that transcends circumstances or even our understanding.

Peace and joy go hand in hand. When we're at peace with God, we naturally feel joyful. I still remember the relief I felt the hour I first believed.

'God, we're grateful that You reign, because safe in that knowledge we can enjoy peace and salvation in Christ, in whose name we pray, amen'


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