
 he reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with him.
Daniel 2:22 ESV

Daniel wasn't just composing some nice sounding poetry. He was testifying as to what he knew to be true. In the context, he proved the truthfulness of this verse.

King Nebuchadnezzer was one of the most powerful men to have ever lived. His kingdom of Babylon stretched from India to Ethiopia. He was worshipped and obeyed as a god.

So when Nebuchadnezzar demanded the interpretation of his dream on pain of death, it truly was a life and death situation. In a stroke of genius, he wouldn't even share his dream which would have given his wise men the opportunity to improvise some kind of interpretation. Daniel took his death sentence to God, and asked for the interpretation.

I love how this verse is Daniel's testimony even before he gave Nebuchadnezzar the interpretation. He was so confident in God's revelation that he didn't even feel the need to test it out on him before thanking Him. Daniel knew it wasn't his own wisdom that had revealed the dream to him, but God's manifold omniscience.

'Almighty Lord, we acknowledge Your omniscience and ask that You'd help us to bring the dark recesses of our lives to You for illumination in the light of Christ, in whose name we pray, amen'


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