
 These all look to you, to give them their food in due season.
Psalm 104:27 ESV

David Attenborough would do well to read Psalm 104 over one of his nature documentaries. As we witness the wonders of creation, we shouldn't try to reason God out of the picture with talk of evolution and nature being a cosmic accident. Instead, we should praise the Lord!

Even animals subconsciously look to God to provide for them. So when humans deny that we need God to sustain us, we're worse than animals. We are an anomaly of nature.

Maybe we've lived our lives in denial of God's gracious provision. Today is the day to start acknowledging Him and being thankful for His goodness. We deserve nothing from Him, but enjoy every good thing from Him.

Above all, God has provided in Christ a way for us to enjoy a perfect new creation with Him for eternity. Only when we acknowledge Him to we get to become part of a glorious future. Otherwise we only have everlasting destruction to anticipate.

'Sovereign God of glory, we praise You for Your provision of us. May we always be mindful of Your goodness to us, in Christ our Lord we pray, amen'


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