
 that the next generation might know them, the children yet unborn, and arise and tell them to their children,
Psalm 78:6 ESV

There's at least three generations included in this verse. There's the current generation, the next generation, and then there's the children of the children yet unborn. We're talking about a legacy to stretch on for at least a hundred years.

What kind of legacy are we talking about? Remembrance and mindfulness of God: His laws, the deeds He has done on our behalf, and the hope that He brings to us. Laws might not be popular, especially God's law, but it's important.

God's law in summary is to love Him wholeheartedly and to love others as we love ourselves. Of course we fail dismally at this. Thankfully our hope isn't in our attempts at lawkeeping, but in God's works on our behalf.

God sent His Son to live the perfect life we can't. He then died in our place as our flawless sacrifice for our sins. Not only so, but He overcame death to give us hope of eternal life.

'God, we praise You for Your law, Your deeds, and the hope that we can have in You and Your Son, in whose name we pray, amen'


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