
 I was brutish and ignorant; I was like a beast toward you.
Psalm 73:22 ESV

Asaph was envious of evildoers. After all, they often seem to have easy lives without a care in the world. He was like a bear with a sore head.

Thankfully, this verse is in the past tense because Asaph didn't stay that way. He joined in corporate worship. He went to the old testament equivalent of church.

Church can give us divine perspective. Yes, evildoers often have relatively easy lives, yet what does that matter in the light of eternity? There's a day of reckoning coming.

The likes of Putin might seem to get away with murder, but ultimately we'll all have to give an account for how we've lived our lives. Before we judge others, we should do some soul searching. We need to make our peace with God before it's too late.

'Father in heaven, please give us Your perspective on evildoers. Help us understand their fate if they fail to repent, and may we make our own peace with You. In Christ's name, amen'


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