
 The children of your servants shall dwell secure; their offspring shall be established before you.
Psalm 102:28 ESV

It's true the famous saying that God doesn't have grandchildren. Yet it's also true that He often graciously saves generations of the same family. We see something of that in this verse.

The first generation is the servants of the Lord. The second generation is clearly the children of the servants. And the grandchildren are 'their' (the children's) offspring.

I hope I'm reading this right, because 'their' could just as well be the servants' offspring. Yet in the Bible, offspring itself can refer to multiple generations. So however we read it, God often has mercy on entire families.

We see this in the new testament when often entire households would come to faith. Grandparents weren't shipped off to old people's homes in the olden days, they would live with their families. How wonderful to see three generations worshipping the Lord together!

'Heavenly Father, how we praise You for Your love for families. Thank You for Your mercy for grandparents, as well as parents and children. In Jesus' name, amen'


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