
 I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13 ESV

Paul wasn't saying he was superman. He wasn't suggesting he could fly to Mars. In the context, he was talking about contentment.

Whatever life throws at us, we can be content, through Christ who strengthens us. We can stay reliant on God when we're prosperous, and we don't have to become embittered when we're in need. Even in the midst of persecution, we can know we're blessed, because great is our reward in heaven.

Paul wasn't saying he could win the lottery. Jesus pronounced woe upon the rich, but blessed the poor. If we're living our best lives now, we're heading for hell!

Thankfully, there's a glorious eternity to look forward to. Humanly speaking, it's impossible for sinners like us to make it there. Through Christ's death and resurrection, we can attain to glory however.

'Dear Lord, thank You for the truth that we can do all things through You who strengthen us. Please help us to be content in You, for Your honour we pray, amen'


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