
 And David knew that the Lord had established him king over Israel, and that he had exalted his kingdom for the sake of his people Israel.
2 Samuel 5:12 ESV

I love David's humility here. He was king of Israel during its golden age. Yet he didn't let the power go to his head.

Firstly, David knew that it was the Lord who established him as king over Israel. It wasn't his own strength or ingenuity that gave him the kingship. He'd been a humble shepherd boy when God had him anointed as king.

Secondly, David knew that it wasn't for his own sake that God exalted him. God didn't just see a shepherd boy with potential. He didn't give David free rein to exploit his people like most rulers do.

David knew it was for His people's sake that God made him king, to shepherd God's flock. In this, he is a picture of the Son of David, the Lord Jesus Christ. He reigns eternally not to exalt Himself, but to serve His people.

'Sovereign Lord, thank You that Christ reigns for us more than for Himself. Please help us to serve others and not to be self serving. In Jesus' name, amen'


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