
 “As for you, O house of Israel, thus says the Lord God: Go serve every one of you his idols, now and hereafter, if you will not listen to me; but my holy name you shall no more profane with your gifts and your idols.
Ezekiel 20:39 ESV

God hates duplicity. He hates it when people are idolatrous, but still pay Him lip service. An example would be people-pleasers who call themselves Christians, but build their faith upon the shifting sands of popular opinion rather than the solid foundation of the Word of God.

God would rather people pursued idolatry alone than attempting to have a foot in His camp too. There is often a sifting that goes on where fake Christians get weeded out of God's people. This may happen when people's feelings that they idolise get hurt and they refuse to forgive.

In the West nowadays, nominal, idolatrous Christianity is dying out. Joshua's challenge to the children of Israel rings out down the generations. 'Choose this day whom you will serve. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord'.

Nowadays, there are many secular Jews. There are many religious Jews. Yet there aren't many Christian Jews  They have to count the cost of persecution from their people if they come to faith in the Messiah, Jesus.

'Lord, we choose this day to serve You. Please help us to keep in step with Your Spirit, and not to gratify our sinful desires. In Jesus' name, amen'


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