
 To have lawsuits at all with one another is already a defeat for you. Why not rather suffer wrong? Why not rather be defrauded?
1 Corinthians 6:7 ESV

If some Corinthian Christian felt wronged by one of their brethren, they would tend to take them to court. This shouldn't be. Disputes between believers should be resolved within the church.

The scenario I'm thinking of is divorce. I know most Christians have far more liberal views than me, but I think that unless there's adultery or abuse it shouldn't be considered. Even in those cases separation is preferable to divorce.

Why do I have such strict views on divorce? Well it's from my reading of Scripture, that the likes of Jesus, Paul and Malachi in various places see it as very much a last resort. Between two Christians I'm not sure it should ever be: the aim should always be repentance and reconciliation.

As far as Paul's concerned, whether a Christian dispute is marital, financial, or whatever else; it should be resolved within the church. If it doesn't seem resolvable, then he insists it's better to be wronged than to go to court. As Jesus said, 'Blessed are the meek (those who don't insist on their rights), because they will inherit the earth'.

'Father God, please help us when we're wronged. We don't want to belittle the hurt. Neither do we want to compound the pain by going to court. Help us do the right things, in Jesus' name, amen'


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