A Short Testimony of Mine


Coming from a Christian home, and being reared on the Bible from being very small, I came to grow up assuming I was a Christian, even though my parents made clear that I wasn't automatically a Christian. But I knew all the answers at Sunday School, so assumed that the God whose existence I took for granted must have been pretty pleased with me. Of course, God isn't just interested in us knowing the right thing, but in doing it as well. 

When I was eight years old, my grandad became a Christian on his deathbed. I saw the impact this had upon my believing family, that there was peace, hope, and even joy in the face of death. When he died I cried, but not for him in heaven. I was crying for myself, deserving of hell. 

As an eight year old, I may not have been a murderer or an addict, but I was a self righteous Pharisee, who God was in the process of humbling. A few days after my grandad fell asleep in the Lord, I asked mum how I could be saved, even though I will have heard many times. 

Mum quoted 1 John 1:9 to me: 'if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness'. I prayed to God to forgive me because of Jesus's sacrifice for me. I immediately felt relief and assurance, but still tearfully (with joy) asked mum, 'is that it?' I think I was expecting lightning and a voice from heaven! 

Whilst we often understandably like to focus on the joys of the Christian life, of which I have had many so far, I have also known my fair share of sorrows, including severe mental illness. One of the side effects of this was at one stage a lack of assurance, until I stumbled across another verse in 1 John, 'when our hearts condemn us, God is greater than our hearts, and He knows all things' (3:20). 

I write devotional content daily. My writings I call 'watching daily at Wisdom's gates' (Proverbs 8:34) and some are also available on Amazon.co.uk

God has been very merciful and gracious to me in not only giving me a measure of good health, but also a good Christian wife, and two daughters who we are seeking to bring up to know God personally for themselves. Whilst I'm not guaranteed a future free of sorrows and/or ill health, God promises to never leave or forsake me, and I seek to serve Him wholeheartedly.


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