
 as it is written: “None is righteous, no, not one;
Romans 3:10 ESV

Some people naively think the old testament is about laws whereas the new testament is about love. The old testament law is all about love. The new testament underlines that by commanding us to love as Christ first loved us, and gave Himself for us.

Some people might assume that the old testament deceives us that we can somehow earn God's favour by keeping the law. Paul's quotes in Romans 3 make clear thar the old testament is under no illusions that we can keep the law. As Paul Himself summarised it: 'all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God'.

As this quote makes clear, none of us are righteous. No-one's naturally good- except God Himself. We are sinners by nature.

Thankfully, Paul reveals how sinners like us can miraculously become righteous. It's through faith in Christ crucified. We can be washed in the blood of the Lamb.

'Sovereign Father God, may we trust in Christ to make sinners like us righteous by His sacrifice on our behalf. In His name, amen'


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