
 From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised!
Psalm 113:3 ESV

The name of the Lord isn't just to be praised three, five or seven times a day. He's to be praised all day (and all night for that matter!). Whether it's first thing in the morning or last thing at night, we are to praise God.

Our first thought of the day should be to praise the Lord, for the rest we've had at least. Our last thought on an evening should be 'hallelujah', for God helping us through the day.

What is the name of the Lord? Well, He is Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world who is anointed by the Holy Spirit of God to deliver us. He is worthy of our praise.

Why should we praise Jesus? Because He gave His life for us and defeated death on our behalf. He bore God's wrath at our sins upon Himself.

'Lord God, we praise You for You are worthy and have won our salvation. Please help us always worship You. In Christ's name, amen'


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