
 God has given into your hands the princes of Midian, Oreb and Zeeb. What have I been able to do in comparison with you?” Then their anger against him subsided when he said this.
Judges 8:3 ESV

There was strife within the people of God. Not all of the tribe of Israel were mustered to defeat the Midianites. Those who missed out were enraged.

What does this ancient story have to do with us? Well, Gideon's response to the tribe's anger is a great illustration of an enduringly relevant proverb. 'A soft answer turns away wrath'.

If someone's angry with us, our gut reaction is to get angry with them. This becomes a vicious circle. To break the cycle, we should act as peacemakers.

Gideon reminded the tribe that they'd managed to capture and kill some Midianite leaders. This placated them that they'd missed out on the main battle. Maybe there's also a lesson that in a new covenant application, the great commission is for all believers in Christ, not just a select few.

'Father in heaven, help us to be peacemakers and to assuage people's anger. Thank You ultimately for Christ making peace between us and You by His blood. In His name, amen'


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