
 The heavens proclaim his righteousness, and all the peoples see his glory.
Psalm 97:6 ESV

Even if someone didn't have access to the Bible, they have access to creation. It's not just God's word that testifies of His goodness. It's His works too.

The beauty of a sunrise or sunset, a pretty flower, a singing bird: all proclaim the goodness of God. A lofty mountain, the surging sea, and a raging storm all testify of God's majesty. The roaring lions, the giant whales, the industrious bees all tell something about their Maker.

All peoples see God's glory. It's not like Africans can see it and Westerners are blind. It's not that the Chinese are attuned to it and Indians are clueless. God has written His law upon our consciences.

God is good, and God is glorious. 'Big deal' we might irreverently assume. Yet the fact God is good and we are not is a problem, because we need to be reconciled to Him. Thankfully, through the apparently shameful cross, the glory of God's love for us shines through.

'Sovereign Lord, please help us to worship You for Your goodness and glory, and to reflect something of it to the world. In Jesus' name, amen'


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