
 Then the people answered, “Far be it from us that we should forsake the Lord to serve other gods,
Joshua 24:16 ESV

Joshua declared that as for him and his household, they would serve the Lord. The people echoed his declaration. They knew it would be a slap in the face of God to forsake Him.

God's people knew that He was the One who'd brought them out of slavery in Egypt to the promised land. All they had to do was to trust and follow. No wonder they understood the importance of remaining faithful to Him.

Sadly, as we read on in Judges, God's people did begin to forsake Him. They did start to get seduced by the idols of the surrounding nations. They didn't faithfully pass on the faith to subsequent generations, who forgot God's goodness.

It's not enough to know what we should do, we have to do it. It's not enough to know what we shouldn't do, we mustn't do it either. May we learn from the mistakes of the past.

'God, forbid that we should forsake You who has led us faithfully all this way. Help us not just to know but to do what's right. In Jesus' name, amen'


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