
 Then Joshua said to the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.”
Joshua 3:5 ESV

God is capable of doing wonders whether we're consecrated or not. Still, He's more likely to do wonders if we prepare our hearts to receive from Him. If we're so deafened to Him that a miracle wouldn't move us, we're unlikely to receive one.

God doesn't work wonders amongst us to show off. He does so to help us turn our hearts back to Him. In fact, the greatest wonder God does is to convert us to Himself.

We shouldn't hanker after wonders. Jesus has defeated death. The resurrection should be enough of a miracle for us.

The last wonder God will work is the return of Jesus, which could happen at any time. We need to prepare our hearts for the return of the King of kings. God forbid that we aren't ready for Him!

'God Almighty, may we prepare our hearts for Your return. May we be ready to receive You. For the glory of Your name, amen'


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