
 For all who do such things, all who act dishonestly, are an abomination to the Lord your God.
Deuteronomy 25:16 ESV

People sometimes seem to think that the Bible singles out homosexuality as an abomination to God. In reality, there's plenty else besides that's abhorrent to God. We like to minimise sin; the Holy One cannot.

Even professing Christians tend to put homosexuality on a pedestal as a 'worse' sin than more familiar ones like covetousness and swearing. Yet here we're told that dishonesty is an abomination to God. We might feel like we're not outright lying, but if we're being deceitful, God hates that.

The policy of 'honesty is the best policy' is a good policy. If we're struggling to not be dishonest, we can be honest with God about that. We can ask Him to help us to become more truthful.

Astoundingly, God's Son Himself became an abomination to Him on the cross, so that abominable people like us can be forgiven. The cross shows how wrong we are to minimise sin. Thankfully it also shows that there's hope for us for forgiveness.

'O Lord God, forgive our dishonesty we pray and help us to be truthful with You and one another. In Christ's name we pray, amen'


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