
 And he said, “Please do not leave us, for you know where we should camp in the wilderness, and you will serve as eyes for us.
Numbers 10:31 ESV

I love how Moses persuades his in laws to join the children of Israel to the promised land. He lets them know how useful they'd be on the journey. There's a lesson here for new testament believers.

We often think of those who are redeemed by God as the down and outs of this world, and we often are. Yet maybe a way to attract people more established in the world to the faith is to let them know how useful they could be in God's Kingdom. Ultimately, we come to Christ for our own salvation, yet having been saved we can serve Him for His glory.

God calls people to follow Him. Not only so though, He also calls us to make other followers of Jesus. One way we could do this is to let people know how valuable they could be to God.

There's a sense in which we're all valuable to God, as those made in His likeness. Yet we're rough diamonds and need Him to hone us into something that better reflects His glory. May God help us to worship Him as we ought.

'O Lord, if we're sat on the fence, please help us to see that there's a work for us to do for Your Kingdom. May we glorify You in our lives, in Jesus' name, amen'


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