
 For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol, or let your holy one see corruption.
Psalm 16:10 ESV

It's officially a Psalm of David, but this verse is quoted in the new testament as relating to the Lord Jesus Christ. He's the One who told the dying criminal 'today you will be with me in paradise', not the grave. Jesus is the Holy One who never saw corruption.

Jesus gave His life for us, but that wasn't the end of the story. He defeated death on the third day, often now known as the Lord's Day. His body never rotted, and His Spirit is exalted in the highest heaven.

There's a sense in which we can claim this verse for ourselves. It's ultimately about Jesus. Yet if we are in Him, then we get to enjoy the blessings He's achieved for us.

Jesus bore God's curse upon the cross. We get to enjoy eternal life in Him. The sky, not the grave is our goal.

'Our Heavenly Father, thank You that Christ defeated death on our behalf. Please help us to trust in Him and so to live forevermore. In Jesus' name, amen'


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