
 For not from the east or from the west and not from the wilderness comes lifting up,
Psalm 75:6 ESV

At new year we get all sorts of declarations. 'This is going to be my year of divine exaltation' kind of thing. Yet it's not up to us to dictate to God whether we should be lifted up.

The idea that we can 'force God's hand' and compel Him to exalt us is profoundly unbiblical. God is Sovereign, not us. His word stands, not ours.

It's true that God raises people up for His purposes, but not because we ordered Him to! God exalts the humble in heart, not proud self promoters. God lifts us up, we're powerless to lift ourselves up.

We might sometimes wish we had a wealthy benefactor. 'If only Elon Musk took a shine to me'! we might think. Yet people are ultimately powerless to promote one another- ultimately it's from God that promotion comes.

'God, we submit to Your sovereignty. Whether You raise us up in this life or not, please keep us humble and useful for Your Kingdom. In Jesus' name, amen'


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