
 And the staff of the man whom I choose shall sprout. Thus I will make to cease from me the grumblings of the people of Israel, which they grumble against you.”
Numbers 17:5 ESV

As farfetched as a staff budding is the idea that a Man's crucifixion could lead to eternal life for a myriad of people. Yet nothing is impossible for God. More farfetched is the idea that you can get something from nothing.

It's not just ancient Israelites who were prone to grumbling. It is a rebellious, sinful human trait to blame God every time something goes wrong. When Christ returns however, all grumbling will cease.

If we're grumbling because of our suffering, we would do well to consider how Christ suffered on our behalf. He bore the sins of the world: He suffered infinitely more than any of us ever will. How dare we have any sense of entitlement, that God somehow owes eternal life to us!

Aaron was ancient Israel's high priest, whose staff budded as evidence of his authority over the grumblers. Jesus is spiritual Israel's Great High Priest, whose death and resurrection on our behalf validate Him as our Saviour and Lord. Far from grumbling, we ought to bow the knee in worship before Him.

'Heavenly Father, may we acknowledge Christ's authority and refuse to grumble against Him. Thank You that He died for us and defeated death on our behalf. In His name, amen'


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