
 Deliver me from sinking in the mire; let me be delivered from my enemies and from the deep waters.
Psalm 69:14 ESV

I can't read this verse without thinking of John Bunyan's story of Pilgrim's Progress. Bunyan was imprisoned for being a Christian. Whilst in prison he had a dream that was partly echoed in this verse.

Bunyan dreamt of Christian's pilgrimage from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City. Not long after he set off, he got bogged down in the Slough of Despond. Often, when people first come to faith in Christ, they are attacked by satan to try and make them doubt their salvation.

A verse that helped my assurance of salvation is that when our hearts condemn us, God is greater than our hearts, and He knows all things. If salvation depended on us, we would be lost. Thankfully, salvation is 100% of the Lord.

Death is sometimes pictured as passing through deep waters, in Pilgrim's Progress too. Just as Christian made it across to the Celestial City, so shall we, through faith in Jesus. Not even death can separate us from God's love for us in Christ Jesus our Lord.

'Sovereign God, thank You for delivering us from all that would seek to separate us from Your love. Help us to trust in Jesus for our deliverance from everything that would destroy us. In His name, amen'


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