
 For we have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original confidence firm to the end.
Hebrews 3:14 ESV

What is our confidence? Is it in self? We're only going to let ourselves down. Is it in others? They're only going to let us down.

The only One who is worthy of our unreserved confidence is the Lord Jesus Christ, who is God, but allows us to share in Him. Through faith in Jesus, we can have confidence in One who will never fail us. We need to persevere in our professions of faith in Him.

The Hebrews were tempted to give up on their Saviour. Persecution was hotting up. Was this Christianity business really worth it?

How do we know our confidence in Christ isn't in vain? If we persevere to the end. How can we ever do that? Because He who began a good work in us will carry it through to completion upon the day of Christ Jesus.

'Our Lord God, we put our confidence in You, that we will endure to the end. Bless us, we pray, in Christ's name, amen'


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