
 Come and see what God has done: he is awesome in his deeds toward the children of man.
Psalm 66:5 ESV

What has God ever done? The skeptic scoffs. Yet He is the One in whom we live and move and have our being. Without Him we can't do anything.

God took His people from slavery in Egypt to the promised land, parting the Red Sea on the way. He is taking His new covenant people from slavery to sin to the promised new creation. He's defeated death along the way.

The Lord sent His Son to be born into our cursed world to bless it. He bore God's curse upon Himself upon the cross, so that we can be blessed by Him. We deserve God's curse, but we can receive His blessing in Christ.

The One who saved Israel from Egypt and sent His Son will assuredly call us home. Because of God's awesome deeds, we can have confidence that He will fulfil His promises. Our salvation is assured.

'O God our Father, how awesome are Your mighty deeds on our behalf. Please bring us safely home, in Christ's name, amen'


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