
 Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, saying, "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever."
Revelation 11:15 ESV

This is what every child of God, indeed all of creation, is waiting for. This verse describes the culmination of history, the completion of time. Seven in the Bible is symbolic of completeness and perfection: think seven days of the week and the sevenfold Spirit of God.

The end of the world isn't going to be a damp squib, a gradual extinction. We will go out with a bang. The kingdoms of this world that rage against the Lord and His Anointed will be snuffed out in a moment, swallowed up by the Kingdom of God.

Before we get nostalgic for our respective policies, bear in mind that God's Kingdom is a confederation of peoples: we don't lose our individual identities, merged into some melting pot. Yet all those worldly polities that jostle for position and influence will dissolve. There'll be no more conflict, only unity in diversity.

It's interesting that John describes only one kingdom of the world rather than plural. At the time of writing he would have had the seemingly all encompassing Roman Empire in mind. Without wishing to get all conspiratorial and theorise about 'one world government' and the Antichrist, that's what this verse seems to hint at.

'Sovereign God, how grateful we are for Your rule and reign over all. Please establish Your Kingdom upon earth as it is in heaven. In Christ's name we pray, amen'


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