
 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
Genesis 1:27 ESV

The fact that God made us to reflect Him gives us inherent dignity. We're not just an accident of nature, evolved apes. We reflect something of the glory of our Creator God.

When Jesus became one of us, it wasn't so much that He took on our likeness, because He's always been who He is. Instead, He simply stepped down into our world and humbled Himself to become an embryo in the womb of a virgin, conceived by the Holy Spirit.

God created us equal. The world, with all its inequalities is our doing, not God's. Yet we should be equitable in our dealings with one another.

From the humblest person with special needs, to the most apparently self sufficient billionaire, we all have dignity because we're made in the image of God. We ought not to look down upon one another, or to be envious and covetous of one another. When we disrespect one another, there's a sense in which we're disrespecting God our Maker.

'Our Master and Maker, may we recognise and uphold one another's inherent dignity and worth as made in Your image and likeness. In Christ's name we pray, amen'


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