
 when he realizes his guilt in any of these and confesses the sin he has committed,
Leviticus 5:5 ESV

Leviticus might be an ancient writing, but it's still relevant today. We still need to realise our guilt before the Holy One. If we're guilty of lies or covetousness for example, we need to acknowledge that.

Jesus sets the bar even higher than the Old Testament. We know we're not to murder or commit adultery, but Jesus tells us not to even be hateful or lustful. Thankfully, through faith in Jesus, our guilt can be dealt with.

We need to confess our sins. It might be as simple as envying someone for having something we don't. It might be as major as worshipping a false god. Whatever we do wrong, we need to confess to God.

This verse doesn't tell us the whole picture. It's in the context of making an offering for sin. Thankfully, Jesus offered His sinless self for our sins, so that our guilt can be dealt with. Our response ought to be to offer ourselves as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to Him.

'Dear God, we thank You for Your mercy and ask that You would help us to respond aright. In Christ's name we pray, amen'


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