
 and of instruction about washings, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment.
Hebrews 6:2 ESV

This verse isn't literally about having a wash in the bath or shower. It's about how to get clean spiritually, through faith in Christ crucified and symbolised by baptism. We need to be washed in the metaphorical blood of Jesus.

The laying on of hands isn't something to be done hastily Biblically. If someone is to be commissioned to work for God, they are to have hands laid upon them to commit them to His service. We don't need to lay hands on people every time we pray for them.

The resurrection of the dead isn't just 'pie in the sky when we die'. We know it's real ultimately because of Christ's resurrection from the dead historically. Also, our own resurrections from spiritual death to life through faith in Christ gives us hope of physical resurrection too.

Eternal judgment is what we deserve. Thankfully we can be judged according to Christ's perfect righteousness, through faith in Him. This doesn't negate the fact that if we reject Him, we face hell.

'Sovereign God, please help us to be grounded in the foundational truths of Your word. Please deliver us from eternal judgment, in Jesus' name, amen'


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