
 But the midwives feared God and did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them, but let the male children live.
Exodus 1:17 ESV

Who would we fear if we were commanded to commit infanticide on pain of death? What would we do if it was a capital offence to not do abortions? Thankfully, the Hebrew midwives feared God, rather than the most powerful man in the world.

The most powerful man in the world is clay in the hands of God. He can harden him if he so wills; or equally He can soften his hard heart. Even if God hardens someone, He will ultimately get the glory for Himself.

The fact God hardened Pharoah's heart meant that His deliverance of His people from Egypt was all the more miraculous and glorifying to Him. The midwives had their part to play in the miracle: by going against Pharoah they staged an act of civil disobedience that paved the way for Moses to be used to help deliver Israel. Obedience in our day to day work might seem laborious, but it's part of God's good grand design.

Even when the world tells us to go against God, we should make a cost-benefit analysis. Is it better to obey people or the Almighty Lord of the universe? The stakes are much higher with God: eternity is at stake for us.

'Sovereign Father, please help us to obey You, even when we're going against the world. May we honour You in our lives, in Jesus' name, amen'


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