
 I will bring them down like lambs to the slaughter, like rams and male goats.
Jeremiah 51:40 ESV

'Lambs to the slaughter' is a phrase we use in English to describe people doomed to disaster. Here, Jeremiah uses it to describe the might of the global superpower Babylon. At his time of prophesying it was smashing up nations far more successfully than America or Russia nowadays.

Even the powerful Red Army is no match for the God of angel armies. One angel can destroy an entire superpower's army, never mind what God can do. We offend Him at our peril.

In a sense we're all lambs to the slaughter. Death and judgement come to us all, unless Christ returns first to accelerate the process. He describes the day of judgement as separating sheep and goats.

Sheep are those who have the Lord as their Good Shepherd and who look out for each other. Goats are those rejected by God who are only out for themselves. We need to make sure we're adopted into God's family.

'Good Shepherd of our souls, please gather us into Your flock so that when judgement comes knocking we'll be able to stand. For Your honour we pray, amen'


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