
 "You know that after two days the Passover is coming, and the Son of Man will be delivered up to be crucified."
Matthew 26:2 ESV

Jesus wasn't naive. He knew His destiny. He didn't keep His followers in the dark about it either.

It was no coincidence that Jesus was crucified during the Passover. The Jews were remembering their deliverance from Egypt by sacrificing lambs. Meanwhile God sacrificed His spotless Lamb of heaven for His people.

As John the Baptist foretold, Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. The reason we're not in hell right now where we deserve is because of the mercy of God in Christ. If we trust in Him, we'll be delivered to the glories of the new creation.

Jesus is the Son of Man, the One Daniel saw being entrusted by God the Father with all authority to establish His rule and reign in the world. He delegates that authority to us. We're to call people to obey Him in all things.

'Dear Lord, we're grateful that nothing takes You by surprise, not even bad circumstances. Thank You that You can turn them around for good, and please do so, for Your honour we pray, amen'


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