
 Take what belongs to you and go. I choose to give to this last worker as I give to you.
Matthew 20:14 ESV

A farmer employed several agricultural workers throughout the day. He payed the ones who turned up at the end of the day the same as those who were up at the crack of dawn. Quite understandably, the long, hard grafters were annoyed that they didn't get more.

The farmer has a right to do what he likes with his resources. If he choses to be generous above and beyond expectations, who are his workers to question him? All very well, but what's the moral of the story?

I came to faith in Christ aged eight. I've lived for Him ever since (not perfectly at all of course!). Yet if someone was to believe in Jesus on their deathbed today, they would go to be with Him in paradise.

If I was feeling stingy, I might begrudge the deathbed convert for getting the same eternal life that I've spent a lifetime anticipating. Yet I should rejoice at the generosity of God that our salvation is not a product of our labours, but the result of Christ's sacrifice on our behalf.

'Generous God, forbid that we should begrudge Your generosity. Whether we're young or old, help us to trust in You alone for salvation. In Christ's name, amen'


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