
 “Woe to him who strives with him who formed him,
    a pot among earthen pots!
Does the clay say to him who forms it, ‘What are you making?’
    or ‘Your work has no handles’?
Isaiah 45:9 ESV

Us taking issue with God is like a pot taking issue with the Potter. It's a humble picture of God, but even more humbling of us! We are, after all, simply animated clay, by the breath of God.

The idea of an inanimate object questioning its maker is ridiculous. Even the idea of robots rebelling against their creators is seen to be wrong. Other creatures don't rail against God, so why should we as the pinnacle of His creation?

By questioning God, we demean ourselves. If we blame Him for our own defaults, we fail to see how He can use us for His glory. Some pots can be put to use for a king; others for a poor widow. We don't get to choose how God will use us.

The problem is when we doubt God's good design for our lives. We might feel like a bunch of deficient pots. Yet God can fill us with the treasure of His Holy Spirit. We can have His treasure in jars of clay to showcase His glory.

'God, forbid that we should rebel against You, when You have created us for Your glory. Help us to honour You in our lives, for Jesus' sake, amen'


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