
 If you have found honey, eat only enough for you, lest you have your fill of it and vomit it. Proverbs 25:16 ESV

I don't have any personal anecdotes of eating enough sweet stuff to make me sick. There was however one 25th December when I was greedy and was then (for some unknown reason!) given a cod liver oil tablet! It was the straw that broke the camel's back as it were!

Having said that, I must confess to having a sweet tooth, which is kind of a polite way of saying that I am sometimes guilty of greed. We never had biscuits at home, because (mainly due to me) they would be devoured. So I used to devour cream crackers instead: an admittedly poor substitute for sugary foods.

A lot of celebrations we have as humans revolve around food. It's often at these times that we need to be careful not to overindulge in such things as chocolates off the tree, chocolate eggs, and birthday cakes.

"Everything in moderation"! If we do overdo it with our eating habits, we risk not just being physically sick, but also in developing more serious health complications. Too much sugar in the diet is very bad for our health.

"Giver of every good gift, don't let us be greedy with what You give us but to be moderate in our enjoyment of Your good gifts. To Your honour and praise, amen"


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