
 "You shall not hate your brother in your heart, but you shall reason frankly with your neighbor, lest you incur sin because of him.
Leviticus 19:17 ESV

Loving our neighbour doesn't mean allowing them to trample all over you. Neither however does it mean hating them. Instead we're to communicate well with them.

The cultural temptation in England is to 'draw up the drawbridge'- 'an Englishman's home is his castle'. There is another cultural extreme of being too much in your neighbour's face. The Bible encourages a third way, a middle ground.

We're to positively dialogue with our neighbours. If we have a problem, we're not to go behind their backs. Instead, we're to talk it out.

It would be a sin to allow hatred of our neighbour to fester in our hearts. We mustn't refuse to speak with them and then harbour resentment. Let's be good neighbours, even if we're not good friends with them.

'Our Lord and God, help us to be good neighbours we pray. May we talk disagreements out and resolve them. In Jesus' name, amen'


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