
 If anyone's work is burned up, he will suffer loss, though he himself will be saved, but only as through fire.
1 Corinthians 3:15 ESV

In the context, Paul is referring to gospel workers. Yet I'm sure his warning could apply to us all. After all, the great commission is for every believer, not just for 'professional Christians'.

I'm reminded of a famous rhyme- 'only one life, will soon be past/only what's done for Christ will last'. In eternity to come noone will care how much money we made. In the words of another old quote, we'll be 'only remembered for what we have done'.

Salvation is by faith alone in the grace of God alone. Yet it is never alone, it is always accompanied by works. These don't earn our salvation, they're simply the evidence that we are saved.

We are to work wholeheartedly and devotedly according to God's will for our lives. Whatever we do for a day job- carpenter, tentmaker, tutor, or whatever else- we are to put our hearts and souls into it. By doing the best we can we will glorify the God who empowers us to work for Him.

'Sovereign Lord, may we honour You in our lives and work. Help us to do work that really matters for eternity, rather than investing in what will soon decay. In Christ's name we pray, amen'


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