
 They utter mere words; with empty oaths they make covenants; so judgment springs up like poisonous weeds in the furrows of the field.
Hosea 10:4 ESV

God hates mere lip service. He doesn't want us to just say we love Him and others. He wants us to actually and actively love Him and others.

If we talk the talk but fail to walk the walk, Hosea says we're like a bunch of weeds in a field. We should be longing to bear fruit for God. We should be seeking to avoid fruitless lives.

When we hear God's word, it's not enough to say 'amen'. We need to put it into practice. When the rubber hits the road, God wants action, not just hot air.

I could learn from this verse. It's not even enough to write prolifically about God's word. If I'm not living it, all my words are worthless.

'God Almighty, help us to put Your word into practice in our lives. Please forbid that we would simply pay You lip service, with no practical evidence to back up our professions of faith. In Jesus' name, amen'


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