
 It pleased the Lord that Solomon had asked this.
1 Kings 3:10 ESV

If God gave you a blank cheque, what would you write on it? Riches? A long life? Victory over your enemies? Or wisdom? Solomon chose the latter.

Some people have speculated that Solomon asked wrongly for wisdom, especially seeing as he went off the spiritual rails in his old age. Yet this verse flatly contradicts that claim. We're clearly told that God was glad Solomon asked for wisdom.

God granted Solomon's request for wisdom. Not only so! He also granted riches, a long life, and victory over his enemies.

If we were to quibble with Solomon, maybe we would see that he wanted wisdom to rule well as king of Israel, when what he also needed was to be able to rule over his heart and household. His appetite for pagan women would lead his heart astray from the Lord. He would end up full of regret.

'Lord God, please grant us wisdom not just for our work, but for our lives as a whole. We believe You're willing and able to grant our request, in the name of Jesus we pray, amen'


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