
 Therefore let it be known to you that this salvation of God has been sent to the Gentiles; they will listen."
Acts 28:28 ESV

A casual reader might assume that Paul was being racist against the Jews he was addressing here. There's a number of reasons this isn't the case. Firstly, Paul was a Jew himself!

Secondly, Paul's Lord and Saviour Jesus is Jewish too! Thirdly, Jesus commissioned Paul as an Apostle to the Gentiles. Fourthly, Paul didn't 'flog dead horses'- he wanted fruit for his labours- and sharing the gospel with Gentiles was more fruitful.

Fifthly, there's a few times in Acts that Paul tells Jews he's going to the Gentiles instead. Yet his practice was always to start at a synagogue in a new city (if there was one). Only then would he move on to the market places etc.

There's a lesson for us in sharing the good news too. By all means we can start with people like us- of the same ethnic group. Yet if they're unresponsive, we can and should cast our nets wider to other Gentile or Jewish peoples, and God will give the increase.

'O Lord, please help us to witness of You to all who will hear. Give us wisdom and discernment as to who we're wasting our time with, and who would be worth working on. In Christ's name, amen'


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