
 For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
1 Corinthians 1:18 ESV

If we think about it, the idea that a crucified carpenter turned teacher is the means of eternal salvation for millions does seem a bit farfetched. Well it is literally farfetched: conceived in the heart of God in the highest heaven! Of course, Jesus is more than just a carpenter turned teacher. He's the eternal Son of God!

The surprise shouldn't be so much that God can save us from the condemnation we deserve. Instead, we ought to be surprised that God's willing to save us. It's not like we're entitled to salvation.

Why should God's means of salvation for perishing wretches like us seem naturally sensible to us, lost and unspiritual as we are by nature? Christ's crucifixion is the crux of God's supernatural plan of salvation for us. If God has sovereignly made us alive to Himself, we know the power of the crucifixion of Christ.

A great old preacher, Stuart Olyott, was asked if he had anything he'd change from his ministry. He replied that he would have preached Christ crucified rather than simply Christ. Jesus didn't come just to patch us up or to teach us philosophy. He came to save us by His death on the cross.

'Sovereign God, thank You for working salvation out for us at the cross of Christ. May we know His power in our lives, and Your supernatural wisdom, however seemingly foolish to the world. In Jesus' name, amen'


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