
 I will multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven and will give to your offspring all these lands. And in your offspring all the nations of the earth shall be blessed,
Genesis 26:4 ESV

Abraham wasn't a flash in the pan. God had similar promises to make to his son Isaac (and grandson Jacob for that matter). The blessing they have brought to the world is not simply through Israeli people, but ultimately through the Jewish Messiah, their Descendant Jesus.

The Lord Jesus Christ is the ultimate Abrahamic Offspring through whom the world is blessed. He doesn't just bless us temporally, but eternally by His Holy Spirit. Through His death and resurrection we're forgiven and restored to a right relationship with God.

Our faith isn't all that different to that of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The main difference is that they looked forward to their Descendant Jesus. We of course look back at His first advent as the ground of our faith.

We look forward too, to Christ's second advent, when those adopted into the Abrahamic spiritual family of faith inherit the earth. We're either offspring of promise, through faith; or of the evil one, by default. We need to be born again by the Holy Spirit into God's family.

'Heavenly Father, we're thankful that You've adopted us into Your family of faith through our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, in His name, amen'


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