
 Let us know; let us press on to know the Lord; his going out is sure as the dawn; he will come to us as the showers, as the spring rains that water the earth."
Hosea 6:3 ESV

In isolation, this verse sounds great. Surely we can say 'amen' to pressing on to know the Lord! Yet in the context, God despairs of His fickle people.

We can never assume on God's mercies. If we constantly trample underfoot the One who gave Himself for us, we cannot presume He will welcome us in the end. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, not the assumption that He will by default accept us.

If our lives don't match our professions of faith, we can't expect a good outcome. If we only pay God lip service, whilst we rebel against Him in our deeds, we're on a dangerous path. We need to tear our metaphorical hearts, not even simply our clothes, in despair at our depravity.

There is an element of truth to this verse. Insofar as it portrayed God as consistent, that much is true. Yet He isn't obliged to bless unrepentant rebels. He is within His rights to withhold His blessings.

'Glorious God, forbid that we should ever presume upon Your blessings and favour upon our lives. May we truly repent and seek after You, in the name of Christ our Lord, amen'


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